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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Ferro” ,找到相关结果约901条。
Protection of Investors and Credit Rating Agencies Regulation in Latin America  [PDF]
Márcio Ferro Catapani
Beijing Law Review (BLR) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/blr.2018.94032
Abstract: The growth and expansion of economies of developing countries rely, in a great extension, on the access to financing sources for entrepreneur activities. Capital markets are one of the most efficient alternatives for local companies to have access to capitals, either local or foreign, and, therefore, for the boosting of the economic progress of such countries. In this sense, a legal framework of capital markets that fulfill the requirements of stability, certainty and security are essential in order to countries to compete for international capitals and investments. Indeed, such requirements are imperative to grow an environment of confidence of investors. Among other important issues in the capital markets regulation scope, there are two that have a vital importance to induce the confidence of investors and, consequently, to attract investment: the legal protection of investors and the regulation of the activities of credit rating agencies. It is vital that the legal system sets a framework for the protection of investors in the capital markets. The need of a stable, clear and secure framework does not imply an excessive intervention of the state in the ability of private economic agents to regulate their own interests. On the contrary, the state shall only provide for the minimum content of the financial services agreement and assure the compliance of the obligations taken under a contract. Furthermore, as the investment decisions made by economic agents rely mostly on the information they have on the financial instruments that are offered in the market, rules determining the full disclosure of information are essential. Concerning credit rating agencies, it is important to understand the role that such entities have undertaken in capital markets. Information about companies and financial instruments is the material economic agents use to make their investment decisions. But the cost to process and analyze the whole bunch of available data is too high for most agents, so they have to rely on the opinion of experts, such as credit rating agencies. In this context, regulation shall assure that the aforementioned agencies act in a fair and transparent way. Rules concerning conflict of interests, publicity of the criteria of rating analysis, and supervision on the activities of agencies are important to the growth of a sound capital market and an investment friendly environment. The article will focus on some of the production-centered jurisdictions—Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela. They were chosen because they are the major
Physicochemical and Electrical Properties of Praseodymium Oxides
Sergio Ferro
International Journal of Electrochemistry , 2011, DOI: 10.4061/2011/561204
Abstract: The industrial research is continuously looking for novelties that could improve the applied processes, increasing the yields, lowering the costs, or improving the performances. In industrial electrochemistry, one more aspect is the stability of electrode materials, which is generally balanced by the catalytic activity: the higher the latter, the lower the former. A compromise has to be found, and an optimization is often the result of new ideas that completely change the way of thinking. Praseodymium-oxide-based cathodes have been proved to be quite interesting devices: the hydrogen evolution reaction is guaranteed by the presence of a noble metal (platinum and/or rhodium), while the stability and poisoning resistance seem to be strongly improved by the presence of lanthanide oxides. 1. Introduction The reduction of costs, in terms of energy consumption and loading of precious metals for catalysts, is the main reason for the continuous research of more performing electrode materials. While the insoluble anodes adopted in the chlor-alkali industry have been investigated for some decades (starting from the pioneering works by Henry Beer in the seventies), the optimization of cathode performances is a recent request, and the research is still ongoing on this subject. At the moment, the membrane technology makes use of low-carbon steel cathodes, but both their relatively low exchange current density (high overpotential, i.e., from 300 to 400?mV) toward the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and their susceptibility to corrosion under the increasingly hard operating conditions (request for more concentrated sodium hydroxide solution production) have prompted for new materials. A significant reduction (from 100 to 200?mV) of HER overpotential has been obtained substituting the steel cathodes with nickel-based devices, possibly provided with catalytic coatings. However, the durability of such electrodes is limited, as the coating tends to dissolve, while impurities (mainly iron) are deposited on the electrode surface, reducing the catalytic activity. In the last years, the industrial research has started investigating the behavior of devices provided with coatings in which a noble-metal catalyst is mixed with one or more oxides of lanthanide elements. A mixed platinum-cerium oxide coating has been claimed by Permelec Electrode Ltd. [1]: it is assumed that the cerium component has a crucial role in maintaining the catalytic activity of the noble metal, impeding the electrochemical deposition of iron; at the same time, the cerium oxide shows a good stability in
A mídia, novas tecnologias e ensino de História
Marc Ferro
S?culum : Revista de História , 2001,
Abstract: A conferência abordou o cruzamento dos elementos da técnica para a confec o da História e quais os centros de referência para a constru o de fontes para a compreens o do mundo. Discute, em linhas gerais, as várias formas de aquisi o do conhecimento, a fragmenta o do saber e do conhecimento nos vários níveis de ensino escolar, como também as diversas formas de aquisi o do conhecimento por meio de imprensa escrita, da televis o e do cinema. O foco central da conferência é o papel das mídias em rela o aos acontecimentos cotidianos, no caso, o 11 de setembro.
L’histoire est toujours contemporaine History is always Contemporary. Interview with Marc Ferro
Marc Ferro
Transcontinentales : Sociétés, Idéologies, Système Mondial , 2011,
Abstract: à partir du thème du ressentiment, une réflexion sur la place de la psychologie dans l’histoire, sur les postures de l’état face aux questions mémorielles – de l’état soviétique dans lequel la vérité historique, f t-elle changeante, est définie par le Parti, à la France d’aujourd’hui, où quelques grandes questions sont soumises au législateur –, sur les fa ons de négocier pour sortir des crises majeures, et sur le bon usage du cinéma. Ce faisant, un parcours d’intellectuel animé par la passion de l’histoire, mais qui sut aussi prendre parti dans la résistance comme dans l’Algérie des années 1950. With the theme of resentment as a starting point, the historian considers a vast array of issues, including the place of psychology in history, state postures with respect to memory issues – from the Soviet state in which historic truth, however fluctuating, was defined by the Party, to contemporary France where a few major questions are put to the legislator –, manners of negotiating to solve major crises, and the use of film as a medium. The entire conversation traces the itinerary of an intellectual infused with a passion for history, but who also knew when to take a resistance stand, as on the question of Algeria in the 1950s.
Responsibility and Capitalism. A Phenomenological Way to Approach the Economic Crisis
Floriana Ferro
Nordicum-Mediterraneum , 2013,
Abstract: The Western world is presently afflicted by a huge economic crisis, started in 2007 in the United States, with the collapse of the subprime mortgage market, and exploded in 2008 with the breakdown of Lehman Brothers[1]. Even if its most critical stage seems to be finished, capitalist countries find it difficult to recover. Globalization exported the effects of the crisis everywhere, but those that suffered the greatest damages are Europe and North America. The collapse of some financial companies is only the top of a huge iceberg. The crisis has roots in something deeper, in the principles and mechanisms of capitalism itself. The Western part of the world is still paying not for the mistakes of a few executives, but for a general lack of ethics in the whole system.
Beyond Subjectivity. Levinas, Kierkegaard and the Absolute Other
Floriana Ferro
Nordicum-Mediterraneum , 2012,
Abstract: The relation between Levinas and Kierkegaard is controversial. In his writings, especially Difficult Freedom and Proper Names, the former strongly criticizes the latter: he goes against the submission of ethics to religion of Fear and Trembling and the view of subjectivity coming out from the Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Singularity and relation to God are then the principal points of collision between the two philosophers. Since Kierkegaard, for chronological reasons, has never replied to Levinas, one only knows the opinion of the latter. One will never know what the former would have said on his own behalf. Maybe he would have exacerbated the debate or maybe he would have tried to solve it. Perhaps he would have done both with two different pseudonyms, ironically making a fool of Levinas.
B-tagging at CMS
Ferro Cristina
EPJ Web of Conferences , 2012, DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20122812055
Abstract: The identification of b jets is a crucial issue to study and characterize various channels like top quark events and many new physics scenarios. Different b-tagging techniques are defined in CMS which benefit from the long life time, high mass and large momentum fraction of the b-hadron produced in b-quark jet. Efficient algorithms have been developed based on the measure of b-hadron secondary vertex or on tracks with a large impact parameter. Data collected in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV in 2011 are used to estimate both the b-tagging efficiency and the mistag rate from light flavor jets.
L' Algarve, dopo due decenni
Gaetano Ferro
Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia , 1978,
Per una geografia storica del mare
Gaetano Ferro
Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia , 1989,
Le regioni nell'ordinamento dello stato italiano e nella realta' geografia
Gaetano Ferro
Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia , 1971,

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